Minutes - USARL Inc. 2023 Annual General Meeting

US Association of Rugby League INC Annual General Meeting
Date: March 26th, 2023 5:00PM EST
Via Zoom
1. Welcome, Roll Call
Drew Slover - USARL Board Member
Reece Vincent
Ady Cooney - USA Women’s Hawks Head Coach
Ben Calverley - USA Women’s Hawks Assistance Coach
Janet Kean - Raptors; USARL Board Member Nom
Ike Kottlowski - Men’s Hawks Player
Miranda Barnard - USARL Board Member
Amber Welsh - SD Barracuda player
Billy Neilson - USARL Board Member
Curtis Goddard - Copperheads Owner
Gabi Chan - Women’s Player
Jennifer Joyce - Jax Axe Women; USARL Women’s Commitee. Social Media Sub Committee
Samatha Black - Tampa Mischief
Robyn Oliveri - Tamp Mischief Part Owner/Player, USARL Women’s Committee Member
Sean Rutgurson - Jax Axemen Head Coach - USA Men’s Hawks Head Coach
Tristan Fillmore - USARL Volunteer
MIke Williams - USARL Volunteer
Brook Tennent - Rugby League Roo, CEO
Cesar Gomez - SD
Apologies- Cody Kuxmann
2. Minutes of the Previous AGM - (Discussion Start time 5:00pm)
- Current reform process is in progress aiming to have the new permanent Board in place by the end of the year.
- Women and Wheelchair additional to the brand has been successful
- Wheelchair - Targeting RLWC in 2025
- Press Release Announcing Peter Illfiled’s Retirement - Stepped down EOY 2022; we are grateful for the time he invested in growing USA Rugby League. His impact is undeniable.
- Board Member has been added to the USARL - Miranda Barnard
- Interim Membership Voting USARL INC - Based on 2022 Season
- Ady/Ben - EOI was submitted for nomination for interim Board for full membership.
- USARL Current Board - Oversight for the Interim Board;
- Drew Slover
- Cody Kuxman
- Billy Nielson
- Miranda Barnard
- USARL Interim Board Nominations: (Need to Sign-Off on Code of Conduct) - Will run the day to day operations within the US.
- Drew Slover
- Billy Neilson
- Darren Piggins
- Janet Kean
- David Abo
- Draft Timeline - Drew discussed the steps with Danny K and Romeo, IRL Representatives.
- Meet Criteria
- Applications Submitted
- Fee Paid
- Elections
- New Board proceeds
3. Matter Arising from previous AGM
4. Chair & Directors Report
- Chairman/Board
- Finance
- Reform
- Timeline
- Interim Board
- Membership Applications
- Women’s Game/Hawks (W)
- Plan and play in Jamaica (Sept 22nd-26th, Kingston Jamaica)
- $23k budget to travel
- West coast women’s hawks combine/camp
- Sponsorship packages
- Coaching and Referees training
- Ike Kottlowski would like to help with the website
- Plan and play in Jamaica (Sept 22nd-26th, Kingston Jamaica)
- Hawks
- Mens
- BIlly: America’s Championship (November 2023) - Top 2 teams advance to RLWC - Budget went out last week. Awaiting an estimate of funds that will be provided to assist with the costs associated. Player Selection process is being discussed. Working alongside the women to distribute the sponsor packets.
- Coaching - Camp for Florida under discussion; interest in Utah is being fostered; completion of paperwork is necessary. Added Peter Lupton as assistant. West Coast Camp for Talent ID needs to be discussed and planned. Slack Channel has been set up, if there is an interested player they should be added to the channel and provide testing/lifting information. It is recommended that if there is an interested/qualified player, the coach should nominate and provide the information to Coach Sean.
- Strength and Conditioning - Coach Sean is spearheading this effort at this time. If there is a player that is following a college program; that player should pass along their individual results; the main focus is going towards the domestic players.
- Wheelchair - not present
- Mens
- Competition Men’s (USARL/PCRL) - National Competition
- USARL - South FL Speed is no longer in the competition
- Axemen - Jax, FL
- Mayhem - Tampa, FL
- Rhinos- Atlanta, GA
- Copperheads - South Florida
- PCRL - (4 Teams)
- LA Mongrel
- Barracudas
- LA Banditos
- Santa Rosa Dead Pelicans
- USARL - South FL Speed is no longer in the competition
- Marketing -
- USARL Website - Domestic Schedule will be available once confirmed; PCRL will provide it within the next 2 Weeks.
- Men and Women have joined forces; main form of communication is taking place within the Slack Application.
- The Content Calendar is in the process of being coordinated; Tristan and Carolyn.
- Education - (Cody K., Ady and Mike Brogan are working to coordinate.)
- Coaching - Certification Level 1
- Ref - Level 1 - Course being proposed for 5/7 in California; May 20th in FL
- Class or Review of Rules - If in the instance a player wants to participate in a course to better understand the rule of League, is there something available (reference below; New Business)
5. New Business
- Interim Chairman - Discussions have taken place regarding the need to have a temp chairman in place with both Romeo and Danny K.
- Discussion regarding the need for a Chairman in this temporary situation; pros and cons have been discussed; strong recommendation to reduce the 2 Boards to 1 by adding current folks that have been nominated. Proposal to move forward with one Board through 2023; coordinate a meeting with Romeo and Danny K to discuss forming one Board with 7 members (Drew will coordinate a call to discuss.)
- Set expectations with IRL then meet to discuss the path forward. (Coordinated an INC Board Meeting 3/29 7:00pm to discuss.)
- Individual Registration Fee - Paid through the INC
- USARL Membership - Confirm Fee for the 2023 Season - $40 has been previously discussed
- Portion pays Insurance
- Portion pays for cost associated to playing the in the Finals.
- Miranda proposed that a bigger conversation take place to talk through the details with the folks being added to the Board.
- Male/Female/Wheelchair funds will be allocated based on the individual that registered.
- Add as an Agenda topic
- USARL Membership - Confirm Fee for the 2023 Season - $40 has been previously discussed
- Rugby League Roo Introduction - Brook Tennent
- Grass Roots Rugby - Coaching Consulting would be offered; currently offering in countries world wide. Kenya from example has built a 16 team competition
- Coaching Platform - Expanded into 15 Countries- CoachAI
- Coach AI is a platform that provide U6-National Players
- Coaching Clinics could be offered.
- Partnership for selling clothing/KITS; balls; blocking shields; cones equipment.
6. Other Business
- Cody - Coaching Education Level 1 - Classroom Environment for presentations and then on location for assessment.
- Fee latest year $75 each for individuals.
- Discussion for virtual approach for the presentation for Coaching Level 1 - Janet kean will provide Dates for Virtual Presentation.
- Discussion for Ref certification 5/20th Paradise Cove; classroom portion is virtual.
- Naples 9s - Seeking West Coast interest; Ben
Meeting Closed at 7:52pm 3/26/23